To thrive in South Africa’s ever-changing economic landscape, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of your regulatory responsibilities, including compliance with the Financial Intelligence […]
You could improve your return by selling the share instead of waiting for the dividend payout but there are caveats. I was recently asked an interesting […]
2022 MTBPS Review: Relatively more pro-growth, and firmly consolidating. In previous years the MTBPS, otherwise known as the ‘mini-Budget’, has served as an economic and fiscal […]
SA’s major banks show a robust recovery, delivering strong financial performance despite complex conditions. Trading conditions in South Africa began 2022 with momentum, as the first […]
Finance Minister Tito Mboweni delivered his third annual budget address on 24 February 2021. Below we highlight some of the significant proposals, which will likely be contained in the Draft […]
Decisions of South Africa’s courts are an essential source of law. The courts uphold and enforce the Constitution and develop common law that is consistent with […]
In terms of the Tax Administration Act, the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) can issue Binding Class Rulings (“BCR”) in response to an application by a class or group of persons and […]
In terms of the Tax Administration Act, the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) can issue, in response to an application, Binding Private Rulings (“BPR”) and clarifies how the Commissioner would […]