December 13, 2021

Is it still worthwhile to incorporate a company in an offshore jurisdiction?

Many people who own business face a frustrating fate every year when the tax man comes a-knocking, as a large portion of their profit is taxed by the […]
June 25, 2015

What’s the buzz about business rescue?

If a company/close corporation is in financial trouble and all possible avenues to save the business have been exhausted, there is one last option available to […]
June 25, 2015

Wat is die gegons oor besigheidsredding (Business Rescue)?

Indien ‘n maatskappy/beslote korporasie in finansiële moeilikheid verkeer en alle moontlike metodes om die besigheid te probeer red, het reeds misluk, is daar een laaste opsie […]
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