Before the transfer takes place, the owner (seller) must make a written application to the registrar of deeds, requesting a certificate of the registered title (CRT) […]
Prokureurs lê dikwels klem op die optrek en gereelde hersiening van ‘n testament om die bemaking van jou besittings na jou dood te vergemaklik. Daar is […]
Attorneys often emphasise the fact that you should have a will drawn up and revise it regularly in order to facilitate the bequeathing of your possessions […]
Owning a business requires careful succession planning and is part of your estate planning as you have to determine who will succeed you, or who will […]
In case of a person being unable to sign a document for whatever reason, there are certain regulations which should be observed to ensure the validity […]
Die mees algemene gesamentlike testament is dié van ‘n getroude paar. Dit beteken egter nie noodwendig dat die boedels saamgevoeg word en dat die Testateur en […]
‘n Ma se begeerte dat haar dogter haar verloofring erf, sal dalk nie bewaarheid word indien sy nie ‘n geldige, skriftelike testament nalaat nie, aangesien haar […]
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